New Biomass Technology ensures low air emissions without flue gas filters
The Sindal CHP Plant has been developed by Dall Energy and entered into commercial operation ahead of schedule in summer of 2018. Dall Energy was turnkey contractor for the complete electro-mechanical scope incorporating the gasification technology with Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) and flue gas condensation. The plant has demonstrated outstanding performance with e.g. both heat output and electrical output exceeding the guaranteed values.
Emissions to air overperform latest law requirements [1] without having any flue gas filters installed. Traditional grate fired boilers would normally require flue gas filters to comply with the emission requirements. Without flue gas filters the low air emissions are ensued while minimizing plant maintenance costs. The low maintenance costs are further supported via the patented furnace design having no moving mechanical parts exposed to high temperatures.
ORC turbine produces sustainable electricity from biomass
Dall Energy designed the gasification furnace integrated with an ORC turbine-generator-set ensuring the plant was optimised for maximum electricity production under all load scenarios. This enables the plant to produce green electricity and heat for the local district heating network via gasification of local biomass.
The patented process ensures clean ash with a very low content of Cadmium, which usually contaminates ashes from grate fired boilers. Thus, the ash fulfills all requirements under Danish law (“Biomassebekendgørelsen”) allowing ash to be spread in the local forests where the woodchips came from.
Plant data:
- Capacity: 5,5 MWheat + 0,9 MWelectricity
- Operation range: 20% – 100% continuous load
- Plant efficiency: 110% (LCV based)
- Fuel moisture: 20% – 60%
- NOx: 100-200 mg/Nm3 (ref. 6% O2)
- CO: <5 mg/Nm3 (ref. 6% O2)
- Dust: 10 mg/Nm3
- Fuel: Wood chips, green waste wood, garden waste etc.