Our vision is for Denmark to become world leading in developing and supplying solutions aimed at providing cleaner air. Solutions that will benefit the environment, human health, growth and employment.
The Clean Air Vision is based on areas in which Denmark is already developing and exporting world-class clean-air solutions
In order to realise the Clean Air Vision we will:
Cooperate on Danish exports of clean-air solutions // Make Denmark a showcase of innovative clean-air solutions // Work for efficient implementation and enforcement of international regulation of air pollution - in Denmark, in the EU and globally // Create better cohesion between research, development and innovation // Communicate about the things we excel in.
Relevant material
New knowledge on the global emissions of ammonia
Satellites have helped researchers to create an overview of the global discharge of ammonia. The results show that many areas world wide are affected - many of them were unknown until know.
Survey and overview of eleven jurisdictions on the regulation of air pollution.
The covered jurisdictions include one supranational entity, the European Union, and a diverse array of countries, including some with common-law legal systems (Australia, Canada, and the United Kingdom), some civil-law countries (Brazil, China, France, Israel,… Læs mere